The island has changed during centuries. It was known as Organa to the ancient Greeks and as Jarun in the Islamic period. Its name changed to “Hormuz” from the important harbor town of Hormuz on the mainland. Marco Polo visited the island in 1290 while traveling by land, as he described in his travelogue. Later, Ibn Battuta visited the island and New Hormuz.
In the 15th century, Hormuz was visited several times by a Chinese fleet led by Zheng He, as he explored the Indian Ocean during the Ming Dynasty's naval ventures.
In 1507, the Portuguese captured the island and it was incorporated into the greater Portuguese Empire. They constructed a fortress on the island to deter potential invaders, naming it the Fort of Our Lady of the Conception. As a result, the island became an emergency stopover point for Portuguese ships traveling to Goa and Gujarat. Finally, the island was captured from the Portuguese by a combined Anglo-Persian force at the behest of the English East India Company in 1622.
During the Safavid Era, Shah Abbas I did not have trust in local people of the island. Later he developed the nearby mainland port of Bander Abbas to become the center of trade. Therefore, the Hormuz went into decline during that time and many of its inhabitants seasonally moved to their fields and orchards around the old Hormuz.
After a period of Omani administration in the 19th century, it remained a sparsely inhabited fishermen's island. It experienced some development in the later years of the 20th century.
Today, Hormuz Island is one of the most visited islands in the southern part of the country, especially during the fall and winter when the weather is pleasant.
The beautiful Hormuz Island, known as the Rainbow Island is located in the Persian Gulf. Visiting this amazing island is a must which often, unfortunately, gets left off most travel itineraries. Here, we are going to get you through this majestic area.
*** Places that can be visited in Hormuz Island
There are numerous places to visit on the island which totally depends on how much time you have to explore the area. Of course, in only one day you can easily see the main attractions of Hormuz Island. But if you have plenty of time to stay on the island you may discover some secrets of the place. Here is the list of places you can go and enjoy while traveling around the island.
*** Portuguese Fort
The Portuguese Fort (The Fort of Our Lady) is a red stone fortress and one of the last surviving monuments of Portuguese colonial rule in the Persian Gulf.
The fortes are located in the northern part of the island and were constructed on the reddish stone on a rocky promontory. It is said that the fort was originally cut off from the rest of the island by a moat, traces of which still remain. Although most of the roof caved in long ago, much of the lower part of the very substantial outer walls are intact, with the remains lying on different levels of the site.
*** Silence Valley
The Silence Valley is where you will be definitely amazed by its beauty and a great silence. To reach the place you need to walk a few hundred yards to enjoy the wonderful mountains covered with crystalline salts. It is believed that the rock salt releases very positive energy, therefore, after spending some time in the area, you will surely have a great deal of energy.
*** Valley of the Statues
With a few hundred meters to the beach, there is a tall statue in the area. These are all likened to an animal with the imagination of viewers. If you use your imagination you can see a dragon, birds and some other mythical creatures.
*** Rainbow Mountains
True to its name, and the reasons why Hormuz Island is nicknamed the Rainbow Island, the Rainbow Mountains is a must-see while on the island. The site is easily accessible from the main road.
The entire island is made of colorful mountains and you can freely walk through most of the middle of it. This particular spot is the best place to stop and check out all the colors.
**** The Museum and Gallery of Dr. Nadalian
The Museum and Gallery of Dr. Ahmad Nadalian exhibit the artwork of this environmental artist who is internationally well-known. Many of his works are in other museums around the globe. His environmental art projects include the carving of rocks and paintings by natural colors.
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